Soccer Registration 2025
Soccer registration for players ages 4-18 is open February 1-28, 2025!
How To Register:
Key Points:
How To Register:
- Purchase a community league membership. This can be done via EFCL website or contact [email protected].
- Register in the EMSA portal at
- Sign waivers in the EMSA portal. You must scroll through them to click the accepted and sign.
- Pay fees via instructions in the EMSA portal. Online via credit card is the preferred method. You can also EFT funds to [email protected] (fee only, no deposit), or pay by cash or cheque (drop off in the mailbox at the hall, make sure players name is included).
- Submit a $200 volunteer/jersey deposit cheque. The deposit will be used as the default for either not volunteering or neglect to return jersey. If you are unable to provide a cheque please contact us. Please DO NOT EFT the funds or get a bank draft prior to contacting the coordinator. Submit a post-dated cheque for June 30, 2025 (drop off in the mailbox at the hall, make sure players name is included) or email below to arrange. Please make this cheque out to Greenfield Community League. Only one cheque and one volunteer commitment required per family.
- If you are a new registrant, submit confirmation of your Greenfield address and the new registrants date of birth to [email protected].
- Contact [email protected] with any questions!
Key Points:
- Teams are created in coaches home community.
- You must register for your child’s age based on year of birth, and home community. If you wish to play in a different community, request transfer to preferred community or age bump up request. These are considered in our team formation process.
- U7 & up are separated into male/female teams.
- Teams U7 & up are expected to travel to other communities in the southwest zone, teams U13 & up play city-wide.
- Fees cover training for coaches, equipment, uniforms, insurance, field maintenance, referee training and fees, team photos, and fees to SWEMSA and EMSA.
- Practices are scheduled by the coaching team based on player availability and need after teams are created.
- The season begins when the fields are opened by the city for play – usually the first week of May. Once the city of Edmonton open sport fields, the season will begin.
- The season goes until the end of June, with city and provincial finals in July for older ages.
- Photo day will be Saturday May 31, 2025 at the hall.
- Year End BBQ will be Saturday June 21, 2025 at the hall.
Greenfield Soccer is entirely volunteer run! Volunteering requirements are fulfilled in a variety of ways. You can volunteer for your child’s team (coach, assistant coach, manager, equipment set up or equipment manager); for the community program (photo day, community bbq, equipment or uniform organization or collections).
Team Officials: Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager
If you are interested in being considered for a team official role there are several education requirements that must be completed.
Age level requirements for roles
Coaching requirements
Links to other required courses
In order to request a role of this capacity, please use the EMSA soccer portal and on the home page use register as a team official. Registration for these roles does not guarantee you will be selected.
A current police record check and Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders must be completed prior to being placed on a team roster.
SWEMSA will be holding coach meetings in April, date to be announced..
Soccer cannot function without your help! Consider signing up to coach or be a team manager.
Greenfield Soccer is entirely volunteer run! Volunteering requirements are fulfilled in a variety of ways. You can volunteer for your child’s team (coach, assistant coach, manager, equipment set up or equipment manager); for the community program (photo day, community bbq, equipment or uniform organization or collections).
Team Officials: Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager
If you are interested in being considered for a team official role there are several education requirements that must be completed.
Age level requirements for roles
Coaching requirements
Links to other required courses
In order to request a role of this capacity, please use the EMSA soccer portal and on the home page use register as a team official. Registration for these roles does not guarantee you will be selected.
A current police record check and Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders must be completed prior to being placed on a team roster.
SWEMSA will be holding coach meetings in April, date to be announced..
Soccer cannot function without your help! Consider signing up to coach or be a team manager.
Age Group **note changes in days of play** |
Year of birth |
Cost |
U5 Saturday |
2021/2020 |
$85 |
U7 Monday & Wednesday |
2019 / 2018 |
$95 |
U9 Tuesday, Thursday + weekly practices |
2017 / 2016 |
$120 |
U11 Monday, Wednesday + weekly practices |
2015 / 2014 |
$140 |
U13 Sunday, Tuesday + weekly practices |
2013 / 2012 |
$180 |
U15 Monday, Thursday + practices |
2011/ 2010 |
$200 |
U17 Sunday, Wednesday + practices |
2009 / 2008 |
$265 |
U19 Monday, Thursday + practices |
2007 / 2006 |
$265 |
Financial Assistance
If you are in need of financial assistance for your child to participate in organized soccer, there is help available through Canadian Tire's Jumpstart program and Kidsport Canada. Please visit their webpages for more information.